VandyMania Forum Rules

The discussion forum for both the men's and women's Vanderbilt golf teams.
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VandyMania Forum Rules

Post by admin »

Be courteous to others or don't post. The following are not allowed in VandyMania's forums.

1. Name calling.

2. Vulgar language.

3. Personal attacks.

4. Advertising without permission of the site publisher.

5. Pornographic links, photos or other content.

6. Vulgar sexual references.

7. Spamming.

8. Trolling or Flamebait (Intentional posting of inflammatory rhetoric or images).

9. Violations of copyright laws.

10. Racial or ethnic connotations of any type.

11. Referring to or questioning anyone's sexual orientation.

12. Using the forum system to reveal an individual's contact information or real name if they use an alias.

13. Campaigning for the removal of coaches or Vanderbilt employees is not allowed-- please direct your concerns to proper channels.

14. Fans of other teams, you're more than welcome to post here; but if you taunt, you won't last.

15. Posing. That is appearing to be a Vanderbilt fan but posting in a manner in order to bring discredit to the school or its athletic teams.

16. Discussing VandyMania security concerns. If you have concerns contact an administrator.

NOTE: Any material deemed inappropriate will be deleted at the sole discretion of the moderator and publisher.
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Re: VandyMania Forum Rules

Post by vu1000 »

Bye bye
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